Integrating Erosion Prediction into Landform Designs for Rehabilitation and Closure Planning
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Topic Presenter: Evan Howard, Director and Principal Consultant at Landloch Pty Ltd
Date: 24th May 2023
Time: 12:30 to 13:30 (Australian Western Standard Time)
Presentation Overview:
Landform rehabilitation design must integrate the management of a range of issues. Erosion is an important issue that significantly impacts the design. Erosion model predictions can be integrated into the landform design and closure planning process using a logical process, which first clearly identifies the post mining land use and then considers placement of the landform with respect to spatial constraints. Plant-growth properties and the erodibility of the available surface materials are then defined and used to parameterize erosion models. The output is used to identify landform shapes required to achieve long-term stability. This information is used in an iterative process that considers not only the achievement of erosion targets, but also impacts of waste properties, storage volume requirements, constructability, and cost. The presentation will briefly outline the process and present some case studies where erosion modelling has been used to inform closure plans.
Presenter Profile
Evan Howard is currently a Director and Principal Consultant at Landloch Pty Ltd, and land management consultancy skills with specialist skills in erosion assessment and landform design in the mining context. He is an Environmental Engineer with over 20 years’ experience in the fields of:
- Waste and soil characterisation
- Minesite landform design
- Closure planning
- Erosion assessments
- Water and solute movement modelling for landform cover systems.
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